My husband is not a vain person. His wardrobe consists of only t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But I’ve started to notice him looking in the mirror more often than usual lately. Of course because I teased him about it, he then confided in me that he noticed his hairline has started to recede. I honestly hadn’t noticed until he pointed it out but once he did it was right in my face. I could see this was really bothering him so I jumped in to offer support!
I started to do some research on hair loss and hair loss products and found myself going to sites like Rogaine, Hairmax, Propeca and Bosley. Most of these ‘miracle’ products containing a long list of potentially harmful chemicals such Minoxidil (which doesn’t work in the front of the hairline, where he really needs it). Additionally, I was horrified to find that Propeca off-label, Finasteride, can result in male impotence – umm, no thanks. I finally came across Revivogen, an all-natural line of products with an 88% success rate and 90-day money back guarantee. So we figured why not?
We started to notice positive results after the first treatment. His hair was growing back thicker and fuller already. We were so pleased with the results at three months that we ordered more product. Now, after six months, my husband’s hair looks great and I have my confident guy back. He’s not bald. Not even a little. I love seeing my husband look in the mirror now and not have worry in his eyes. Revivogen delivered the results as promised.
– Julie P.