If you’ve noticed you hair thinning out recently, or maybe your hairline is receding, you’ve probably started thinking about what you can do to stop it. After all, hair loss has long been considered a loss of virility so you don’t just want to stop it; you want to stop it yesterday!
No one WANTS to lose their hair, but come on guys, lets be honest 2/3 of you will experience hair loss by the time you are 35- its is your genes. So what to do? Well, before you consider something as extreme as a hair transplant, let us break it down for you.
Quick facts about hair transplant surgery:
Hair is taken from the healthy hair on the sides and back of the hair, removed with a scalpel, and placed in the balding area- sounds painful doesn’t it?The transplanted hair will fall out before new hair grows back within six to nine monthsMost experience 60% hair regrowth but in some cases the surgery can cause scarring unnatural looking regrowthHair transplantation costs a pretty petty for sure- it can run from $4,000 to $15,000
Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures, but before you decide to let someone take a scalpel to your head, try an easier solution.
Some facts about Revivogen MD:
It’s a dermatologist created hair loss treatment that has been on the market for more than ten yearsIt has an 88% success rateYou are guaranteed to see a significant reduction in hair loss and a visible increase in thickness of hair within two to three monthsA six month supply of Bio-cleansing shampoo and Thickening conditioner is only $225
See like there is a clear winner! Try Revivogen MD for yourself, you could even try it for free. We’re always having great giveaways on Facebook so check us out for your chance win:https://www.facebook.com/Revivogen?ref=hl.
-Team Revivogen